Solitude at Sea
Solitude at Sea A brief compilation of the Non-Stop, Solo , Under Sail and Unassisted Circumnavigation of the World by Commander Abhilash Tomy of Indian Navy bas ed on his blog Sagarparikrama 2; book 151 days at Sea and an interview. Chapter I: Mountaineering in High Seas The 25-meter-tall Mas t never looked so ominously towering before. In an unsteady boat in the middle of th e not so pacific, S outh Pacific O cean to hoist oneself up the stick without a crew winching you is a task that most sailors would avoid. A patch of blue was the only solace in the overcast morning of 11th January 2013. As he woke up on board a rocking Mhadei, Commander Abhilash Tomy noticed that the easy stow was in an unusual position with one of its holding lines parted and trailing in water. Another look at the mast confirmed that it is going to be one of the most demanding days...