BLIND DEMOCRACY 200 died 800 crippled as 13 blasts ruptured the most coveted financial capital of India in 1993. Structures to blood everything got floored to taste dust. The world’s largest democracy looked handicapped as the cries of the howling mother and the panacea of the orphan shattered the walls of the great parliament. There were statements all the way from top notch officials to the white robed ‘gentlemen’ which gradually overlooked the bleeding wounds and the deadly scars on the minds and bodies of people of my mother land. Investigations went on for 13 long years to bring the criminals under law. Ultimately after a lot of toil and hard work of the police, some success was achieved but only a handful of the pawns of this mastermind could be laid hand upon by the law. The big boots of this game are still able to hide their faces with their financial and political power. Should we blame it always on the police for it or some one else should be held responsible for? The questio...