Fourteen thousand six hundred killed, twenty-four thousand seven hundred maimed and thirty-four thousand eight hundred kidnapped in 2005. And just one phenomenon was responsible for these ghastly incidents. Terrorism! The very word that sends chill down the spine. It has seeped into our daily existence no mater who we are or which part of the world we live in.

Reading about the Mumbai blast incident left my mind disturbed getting me deep into the reasons of it. I see a beautiful bird flying with elegance, instinctively trying to wash away the disturbance but all in vain…..


Fluttering the tinged golden feathers
And flipping its stretched black eyes,
It spreads its wings and careened up through the lush green background
Up the sky blue and white…..

In the gloom of black, where life getting wet with blood
And minds getting blurred with smacks.
Smacks those articulated by quacks.
Quacks those destined to serve humanity,
Serving just the opposite, exterminating it brutally!!!!!

The flying emirate destined to infuse peace in my mind,
Failed in its tryst against the overly turbulent mind
With echoes detonated with rhetoric violence.

A spark that triggered instantaneous extermination.
Scion of magnanimous anguish
Silenced the hustling with a thunderous rapture
Failing to silence the weeping orphan, the mother of only child.

Who is guilty in the plot?
Who is squalid with blood?
Is it the young quack with grudged vitality or
The young blood with soared spirituality.

In the sombre depth of surreptitiousness it is neither who is guilty,
It is the wicked sorcerer, the powerful hypocrite,
Who mingles splinters in vein to make them
Terrorists with flames without sense.


Unknown said…
gr8 work...
real explanation of the reality of the nation....
aatankvad se nahi raha koi bhi mulk aapvad,
kar raha he ye subko barbad,

dekh rahi he masum aankhe khun bhare khel hok bezuban,
dua he k kala madhayam se safal ho aap badalne me ye dastan...
i've just become a fan of ur style of writin,i.e the use of words...
and it is reinforced in me dat u would make a gr8 journalist :) gr8 job!!

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