Have you ever fallen in love? Have you felt Goosebumps in your tummy just at the sight of her.? Have you ever tried doing the stupidest thing on earth just to get a glimpse of the potentially best grin in the creation? Have you ever listened to the songs of Bryan Adams so delightfully…Then come share my feelings and reach to cloud #9……
Thou hast taught me love,
Such is thy pleasure.
The feeling I thought was fakest
Thou hast made it true.
The sweet voice of thy hast mingled daisies in my veins
And breathed through it melodies eternally new.
Oh life of my life
Thou hast led me on a way beautiful in love and pain.
At the sweetened touch of thy hands,
My little heart looses its limit in joy,
And gives rise to utterance ineffable.
When thou hug me, when thou kiss me
It seems that my little heart would break with love
And I look to thy face
And tears come to my eyes.
All that is harsh and dissonant in my life
Melts into one sweet harmony
And my adorations spread wings,
Like a glad bird in its flight across the sea.
Thou hast taught me love,
Such is thy pleasure.
The feeling I thought was fakest
Thou hast made it true.
The sweet voice of thy hast mingled daisies in my veins
And breathed through it melodies eternally new.
Oh life of my life
Thou hast led me on a way beautiful in love and pain.
At the sweetened touch of thy hands,
My little heart looses its limit in joy,
And gives rise to utterance ineffable.
When thou hug me, when thou kiss me
It seems that my little heart would break with love
And I look to thy face
And tears come to my eyes.
All that is harsh and dissonant in my life
Melts into one sweet harmony
And my adorations spread wings,
Like a glad bird in its flight across the sea.
an xtraordinary efoort put in by u in this poem.I m highly impressed the intensity of love u have shown in this poem...
nice one...
i think this is the "ISTE" prize winng one..
if i m right then ur party is still remaining...ha ha ha..
no but seriously...a gr8 combo of creativity+newS...